Neurological Conditions

Cervical Disc Problems

Cervical spine is the most flexible anatomic region in the axial skeleton. Distinct segments of the cervical spine give us the ability to perform complex neck motions like head turning, tilting or bending. This leads to increase in wear and tear of the disc. The most common degenerative disorders of the cervical spine affect the C3-C7 segments. Symptoms of disc herniation, joint degeneration and spondylostenosis include neck pain, arm pain and sensory disturbance, weakness, spasticity and difficulty in walking or using hands.

Dr. M MArunShivaramanspecializesin treating the below Cervical Disc Problems:

  • Cervical Disc Bulge
  • Cervical Stenosis (Cord Compression)
  • Cervical Osteophyte (Bone Compression)
  • Cervical Kyphosis
  • Ossified Post Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL)